Watershed News
Question of the Month: How do I keep my camp road maintained throughout the winter?
Last month’s question involved actions you could take to ensure your camp road was prepped for the...
Question of the Month: How do I get my camp road ready for winter?
Last winter, intense rainstorms washed out many roads in the watershed, polluting the lakes and...
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Sign up for our monthly newsletter
Receive our newsletter – Watershed Roundup – in your inbox each month. Along with the stories captured here, the newsletter features upcoming events and updates from across the Watershed.
Question of the Month: How do I keep my camp road maintained throughout the winter?
Last month’s question involved actions you could take to ensure your camp road was prepped for the...
Question of the Month: How do I get my camp road ready for winter?
Last winter, intense rainstorms washed out many roads in the watershed, polluting the lakes and...
SUPPORT LD 693: Safe Boating for All Who Use Maine’s Lakes
An important message from our friends at Maine Lakes: Greetings! Like most of you, Maine Lakes...
FAQs: 30 Mile’s Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Program
The YCC program is a low-cost, environmentally-friendly landscaping option for shorefront property...
Maine Owl Pellet Project
The next time you go for a walk in the woods, lookout for owl pellets and join in an exciting new...
Wake Impacts Meeting
March 14, 3:00 pm, via Zoom Worried about the impact of big wakes on your lake? Join us for an...
Save the Date for the Paddle Trek
Mark your calendars: This year’s 14th Annual Paddle Trek will be held on Saturday, July 29th. Join...
What’s going on under the Ice?
To everything, there is a season... Have you ever wondered how ice-over happens in your lake, or...
Hiring Announcement
Would you like to spend your summer outside, working on lakes and ponds, helping to keep our...
2022 Androscoggin Lake Watershed Survey Report now available!
In May 2022, 30 Mile, with the support of our partners and local volunteers, conducted a survey of...
$30K for 30 Mile Matching Challenge a Success!
We did it - we surpassed our goal! Thank you to the generous supporters of the $30K for 30...
Your help is needed to keep strong septic rules in the shoreland zone!
The following is an important message from our partner, Maine Lakes: As the legislative session...
LakeSmart 2022: Landowner Education for Healthier Lakes
30 Mile is a regional LakeSmart “HUB” support center, helping our lake associations deliver...
Another Successful Season of Water Quality Monitoring
30 Mile staff, alongside our many dedicated volunteers, monitored water quality in 11 lakes and...
30 Mile’s Future Home
We are thrilled to announce that last month, thanks to a generous donor, we purchased a building...
Votes Are In! 2022 Photo Contest Winners
CONGRATULATIONS to our Summer 2022 Photo Contest winners! Fun Times at the Lake: Nancy Turner...
Boat Inspection Season Wraps Up
Last weekend we wrapped up another successful season of courtesy boat inspections. From May 27th...
The “View” – Is Yours Protecting the Lake?
Living with a waterfront view is just one way that lakefront residents feel close and connected to...
The Continued Fight Against Milfoil on Androscoggin Lake
All summer, beginning in mid-May, our staff have been working hard to get rid of the invasive...
Celebrating Our 2022 Summer Staff
We are wrapping up another successful summer season with our seasonal staff – 14 total – all vital...
Echo Lake Association Joins 30 Mile
At their annual meeting on August 12th, the membership of the Echo Lake Association voted to join...
Save Androscoggin: Campaign for a Healthy Lake
Invasive milfoil and algal blooms have created a crisis on Androscoggin Lake. If not addressed,...
13th Annual Paddle Trek a Success
On Saturday, July 30th, we hosted our 13th Annual Paddle Trek. The weather was perfect for the...
Maine lakes are under attack and your lake needs you now, more than ever.
You may have noticed that Maine lakes have been in the news a lot this summer, with Maine DEP...
What are those green cotton-candy clouds floating in the lake?
Metaphyton is a filamentous green algae that grows in shallow areas of the lake. For well over a...
Remembering Dan Onion
By Lidie Robbins, 30 Mile Executive Director Daniel K. Onion (1942-2022) was a force for good and...
The 4th edition of the Lake Book is here!
For all who use, visit, and live on or near Maine’s lakes and ponds: Lake science, lake wildlife,...
Photo Credit: Josh Robbins (Banner)