We are now gearing up to support another year of LakeSmart in the 30 Mile River watershed. 30 Mile...
First LakeSmart property on Kimball Pond
With our goal of bringing the LakeSmart program to every lake and pond in the watershed, we are...
Thank You 2023 LakeSmart Participants!
Becoming LakeSmart is one of the best things you can do to protect your lake. To request a FREE...
Thank you 2023 LakeSmart volunteers!
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated volunteers across all of our programs. This...
LakeSmart wants you!
Participation in LakeSmart can take two forms: Become a LakeSmart volunteer You’ll learn how to...
LakeSmart 2022: Landowner Education for Healthier Lakes
30 Mile is a regional LakeSmart “HUB” support center, helping our lake associations deliver...
LakeSmart 2021 Recap
30 Mile is a regional LakeSmart “HUB” support center, helping our lake associations deliver...
Have you completed a rainy day survey?
The #1 threat to water quality in Maine lakes is polluted stormwater runoff. This is because dirt...
Become “LakeSmart” in the 30 Mile River Watershed
It’s hard to believe that one person’s expansive lawn or eroding camp road could be a threat to...
LakeSmart Tip: Healthy Septic Systems
To keep our waters clean and healthy, out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind. Improperly...
Photo Credit: Josh Robbins (Banner)