Watershed News
Hiring for 2025!
We are looking for new members to join our team! We're now accepting applications for Courtesy...
We’ve moved!
At the end of January, we moved into our newly renovated building at 6 Seavey Corner Road in Mt....
Sign up for our monthly newsletter
Receive our newsletter – Watershed Roundup – in your inbox each month. Along with the stories captured here, the newsletter features upcoming events and updates from across the Watershed.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter
Receive our newsletter – Watershed Roundup – in your inbox each month. Along with the stories captured here, the newsletter features upcoming events and updates from across the Watershed.
Hiring for 2025!
We are looking for new members to join our team! We're now accepting applications for Courtesy...
We’ve moved!
At the end of January, we moved into our newly renovated building at 6 Seavey Corner Road in Mt....
Legislative updates and how to get involved
An important part of our work is advocating for lake-related legislation in Augusta. This month,...
Save the Date: 16th Annual Paddle Trek to be held on Saturday, July 26th
Mark your calendars! This year’s 16th Annual Paddle Trek will be held on Saturday, July 26th. Join...
30 Mile staff attend Lake Researcher Retreat
On January 10th, 30 Mile staff traveled to Bridgton, Maine to attend the 7th Lake Researchers...
Enjoying the watershed in winter
Though snowfall amounts have been minimal so far this winter, we’ve had some great cold,...
$24K for 2024 matching challenge a success!
We did it - we surpassed our goal! Thank you to the generous supporters of the $24K for...
Ice-in Reporting
Lakes and ponds are starting to ice over! Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) needs your help reporting...
Question of the Month: How do I keep my camp road maintained throughout the winter?
Last month’s question involved actions you could take to ensure your camp road was prepped for the...
Question of the Month: How do I get my camp road ready for winter?
Last winter, intense rainstorms washed out many roads in the watershed, polluting the lakes and...
Thank you 2024 IPP volunteers!
Volunteers are vital to 30 Mile’s work and each year so many invest their time and effort to help...
Thank you 2024 CBI volunteers!
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated volunteers across all of our programs. This...
Question of the Month: What is lake turnover?
Twice a year, during the spring and fall, a natural occurrence called lake turnover happens. Lake...
Leave the Leaves
We are sharing this article from our friends at Maine Lakes: A great way to help your lake (and...
Thank you 2024 LakeSmart volunteers!
30 Mile is a regional LakeSmart “HUB” support center for this statewide program. LakeSmart would...
Thank you 2024 WQM volunteers!
30 Mile staff, alongside 35 dedicated volunteers, monitored water quality in 13 lakes and ponds...
Remembering Andy Tolman
By Lidie Robbins, Executive Director We are deeply saddened by the loss of our dear friend and...
Question of the Month: What’s happening with our building in Mt. Vernon?
Construction is underway at our building in Mt. Vernon Village! We are currently focused on Phase...
Maine Public series on climate change and Maine’s lakes features 30 Mile staff
At the end of August, Maine Public aired a four-part series called “In Hot Water,” examining the...
Androscoggin Lake Bloom FAQ’s
FAQs about the Androscoggin Lake Algal Bloom: Are we going to see this every year? We do not yet...
Volunteers keeping watch for invaders
We had beautiful weather for our Plant Paddle and I.D. workshop on Lovejoy Pond earlier this...
High water and perfect weather for 15th Annual Paddle Trek
Sixty paddlers enjoyed perfect weather and conditions for the 15th Annual Paddle Trek on July 27,...
Question of the Month: What causes an algal bloom?
Cyanobacteria rely on three things to grow: light, temperature, and nutrients. When it rains,...
Celebrating our 2024 Seasonal Staff
With the end of field season near, we want to give a BIG THANKS to all 8 of our seasonal staff for...
Question of the Month: What are the impacts of warmer lake temperatures?
What are the impacts of warmer water temperatures? Algal Blooms: Warmer waters promote the...
Share your photos for a chance to win!
Do you take a lot of photos on the lakes, ponds, and streams that make up the 30 Mile River...
It’s Lakes Appreciation Month
It's official! July is Lakes Appreciation Month in Maine, as proclaimed by Governor Mills....
Photo Credit: Josh Robbins (Banner)