Watershed News
Enjoying the watershed in winter
Though snowfall amounts have been minimal so far this winter, we’ve had some great cold,...
$24K for 2024 matching challenge a success!
We did it - we surpassed our goal! Thank you to the generous supporters of the $24K for...
Sign up for our monthly newsletter
Receive our newsletter – Watershed Roundup – in your inbox each month. Along with the stories captured here, the newsletter features upcoming events and updates from across the Watershed.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter
Receive our newsletter – Watershed Roundup – in your inbox each month. Along with the stories captured here, the newsletter features upcoming events and updates from across the Watershed.
Enjoying the watershed in winter
Though snowfall amounts have been minimal so far this winter, we’ve had some great cold,...
$24K for 2024 matching challenge a success!
We did it - we surpassed our goal! Thank you to the generous supporters of the $24K for...
Board kicks off summer season
This month, we held our first in-person Board meeting since last September, with all 17 of our...
Welcome to the Board, Sue Heard
In April, Sue Heard joined 30 Mile’s Board as an at-large member. Since 1984, Sue has been...
Question of the Month: How do I keep geese off my shorefront?
Canada geese are a familiar sight here in Maine - often seen in parks, farm fields, and large open...
Tilton Pond Swollen Bladderwort update
Since finding Swollen bladderwort (U. inflata) in Tilton Pond last August, we are now beginning...
Androscoggin Lake milfoil removal underway for 4th season
Since late May, our Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) summer staff have been surveying Androscoggin...
Question of the month: Where did the 30 Mile River get its name?
No matter where you are located in the watershed, we’re all connected through a chain of lakes,...
Live Staking into Spring
In April, 30 Mile staff spent two and a half days planting over 300 live stakes on 15 properties...
Androscoggin, Echo, Flying, Lovejoy, Parker and Pocasset included in shoreline study
Six lakes in the 30 Mile River watershed were included in this study of over 100 lakes and ponds...
Welcome to the Board, Annie Moran
In March, Annie Moran became the Town of Wayne’s new representative on our Board. Annie and her...
Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund to support road assessment in the watershed
Earlier this month, the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund (MOHF) Board voted to approve our grant...
Attention Androscoggin Lake shorefront landowners!
In late 2023, The Maine DEP, in conjunction with the US EPA, awarded the 30 Mile River Watershed...
NEW Workshops & Trainings website page!
Mark your calendars! With so many great workshop opportunities this spring and summer, we are...
Building renovations have begun!
We are excited to share that construction has begun on our new center for watershed protection in...
LakeSmart needs volunteers for Echo Lake, Lovejoy Pond, and Pocasset Lake
We are now gearing up to support another year of LakeSmart in the 30 Mile River watershed. 30 Mile...
Vienna and 30 Mile partner to secure funding to address undersized culverts
In early 2024, 30 Mile supported the Town of Vienna by developing and writing a grant proposal for...
New full-time position!
Development & Operations Coordinator 30 Mile is growing rapidly, and we’re looking for someone...
Question of the month: Is riprap the best way to stabilize my shoreline?
A natural and stable shoreline is a complex ecosystem that sustains fish and wildlife, and...
Ice-out Reporting
With ice-out earlier than normal this year, Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) needs your help reporting...
Action needed on LD 2141: Funding for Aquatic Invasive Species
In breaking news from Augusta, the Maine Legislature officially ENACTED LD 2141, a bill that will...
Question of the month: A tree fell in the lake. What should I do?
High winds during this winter’s storms caused much damage to trees, breaking large limbs and...
Now hiring for 2024!
Would you like to spend your summer outside, working on lakes and ponds, helping to keep our...
Hannaford Bloomin’ 4 Good Program
It's grow time! Thanks to the support of Hannaford, for the entire month of March, 30 Mile will...
Save the Date: 15th Annual Paddle Trek!
Mark your calendars! This year’s 15th Annual Paddle Trek will be held on Saturday, July 27th. Join...
Legislative Updates and Alert List
An important part of the work we do at 30 Mile is advocating for lake-related legislation in...
Attention shorefront owners and contractors working in the shoreland zone!
Workshop in Shoreline Stabilization Practices for Inland Waters Learn about the factors leading to...
Photo Credit: Josh Robbins (Banner)