Since late May, our Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) summer staff have been surveying Androscoggin Lake’s Inner Cove for variable leaf milfoil (VLM). All 14 plants found to date have been in areas where we’ve seen plants in previous years. The team typically surveys Wednesday – Saturday for 4 hours each day. We have had one removal session by a SCUBA diver so far.
Earlier this Spring we worked with Maine DEP to successfully expand the Surface Use Restriction (SUR) area for 2024. The new SUR will cover all areas where plants have been found since we began surveying in 2021. This expansion will help reduce the risk of motorboats coming in contact with and fragmenting milfoil plants, which can easily cause the plants to spread into new locations. The SUR boundary area is marked with large white buoys. Check out our new webpage for more on this project.

This article was included in 30 Mile’s June 2024 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.