Beth Trehu has joined 30 Mile’s Board as the representative from Vienna. After many years of sailing on the Maine Coast, Beth and her family spent a week at a camp on Great Pond in 2007 and were hooked on lakes. They soon bought a camp on Flying Pond and within a few years decided to move to Maine full time. Beth and her husband, Steve, live in Vienna year-round and she loves swimming, kayaking, hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and growing fruit, as well as cooking with all of the wonderful local meat and produce. She is a graduate of Princeton University and New York University Medical School and is a hematologist-oncologist who recently retired from 20+ years developing new drugs for cancer in the Cambridge, MA biotech industry. She belongs to the Flying Pond Improvement Association and is a member of both the Invasive Plant Patrol and LakeSmart teams for Flying Pond.
Visit our website to read bios for all our board members.

This article was included in 30 Mile’s October 2023 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.