We are looking for new members to join our team! We're now accepting applications for Courtesy...
Courtesy Boat Inspectors
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Thank you 2024 CBI volunteers!
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated volunteers across all of our programs. This...
Now hiring for 2024!
Would you like to spend your summer outside, working on lakes and ponds, helping to keep our...
Thank you 2023 CBI volunteers!
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated volunteers across all of our programs. This...
Hiring Announcement
Would you like to spend your summer outside, working on lakes and ponds, helping to keep our...
Boat Inspection Season Wraps Up
Last weekend we wrapped up another successful season of courtesy boat inspections. From May 27th...
Attention all boaters: Stop the spread of invasive species
CLEAN your gear before entering and leaving the water access site. Remove all plants, fish,...
2021 Courtesy Boat Inspection Program
Bigger Than Ever
This year our Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) Program was our biggest ever! Beginning Memorial Day...
Photo Credit: Josh Robbins (Banner)