Since mid-May, our staff have been working hard on Androscoggin Lake to manage the invasive variable milfoil infestation discovered in the north end of the lake in the fall of 2020. Unfortunately, early this season we found that the infestation had spread beyond the area currently closed to all boat traffic, and plants had regrown in areas where we had removed them last year.
Every week, our staff spend 25-40 hours surveying the infested area and marking each mifloil plant. Once a week, a trained SCUBA diver works with us to carefully remove the plants, including all the roots, by hand. We partner closely with the Maine DEP, ensuring that we are taking every measure possible to fight the infestation.
Photos: 30 Mile staff emptying net containing milfoil removed by the diver; Trained divers remove milfoil plants by hand
How can you help?
- Stay out of the infested area to limit the spread.
- Inspect your boats and gear before entering and after leaving the lake.
- Volunteer as a courtesy boat inspector and/or invasive plant patroller.
- Donate to the Save Androscoggin Campaign.
- Learn to recognize variable milfoil and report suspicious plants to (207) 320-5720.

This article was included in 30 Mile’s July 2022 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.