30 Mile is a regional LakeSmart “HUB” support center for this statewide program. LakeSmart would not be possible without our partner lake associations and the volunteer coordinators and evaluators doing the work. This year, LakeSmart teams in our watershed completed 11 property evaluations and numerous hours delivering LakeSmart education property-by-property and shore-by-shore to create a conservation ethic across the lake community. Contact Silas at silas@30mileriver.org or (207) 860-4043 to learn more and join a current LakeSmart team or start one for your lake!
Androscoggin Lake: Cynthia Giguere-Unrein (coordinator), Pat Koscinski, Buddy Cummings
Flying Pond: Cindy Ripley (coordinator), Diane Araps, Ellen Ellis, Kent Ellis, Beth Trehu, Steve Trehu, John Zacker
Minnehonk Lake: Jan Arminio, Jenny Small
Parker and David Ponds: Deb Cayer (coordinator), Susan Tinguely, Gerry Tinguely

This article was included in 30 Mile’s October 2024 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.