Volunteers are vital to 30 Mile’s work and each year so many invest their time and effort to help us fulfill our mission. Within each program, volunteers play a critical role protecting our lakes. This month, we’re highlighting the 96 Invasive Plant Patrol (IPP) volunteers and eight lake association teams took part in the important effort to survey our lakes and ponds for invasive species in order to identify invasive aquatic infestations early. THANK YOU!
Androscoggin Lake (ALIC): Tina Beach, Janet Bernhard, Beth & Jim Breazeale, Jennifer Brown, Buddy Cummings (coordinator), Sara Cummings, Andrew Dole, George Dole, Linda Gatti-Fyler, Cynthia Giguere-Unrein, Allen Unrein, Patt Koscinski, Katherine Mahoney, Emily Palmer, Kirstie Palmer, David Van Cott.
Basin Pond (BDTPA): Bob Capers
David Pond (BDTPA): Bob Capers (coordinator), Deb Cayer, Bill Dunham, Richard Hicks, Sarah Lafond, Joe Longtin.
Echo Lake (ELA): Coming soon!
Flying Pond (FPIA): Nancy Brooks, Marsha Clark, Gary Fish, Jon Groetzinger, Donna Maskawa, Bill Murphy, Randy Oakley, Alice Olsen, Cindy Ripley, Deb Roe, Pat Thompson, Beth Trehu, John Zacker (coordinator).
Lovejoy Pond (LPIA): Mary Becker, Barbara Chisholm (coordinator), Kelly Hess, Theresa Petersen, Sookie Weymouth.
Minnehonk Lake (GMLA): Tom Arminio (coordinator), Mark Cross, Remi French, Jane Rogers.
Parker Pond (PPA): Liz Beal, Mark Brigham, Deb Cayer, Sarah Cowperthwaite, Sue Knorr, John Linton, Linda & Greg Nelson, Lidie Robbins, Karen (coordinator) & Bill Rogers, Susan Tinguely.
Pocasset Lake (PLA): Don & Desiree Fyler, Sue Heard, David Randall, Ellen Randall, Dick (coordinator) & Patricia Windecker.
Tilton Pond (BDTPA): Lori Beaulieu, Bob Capers, Renee Keen, Chris Riley.

BDTPA IPP coordinator, Bob Capers stops to have a look at a plant sample on David Pond during a survey in August.

2024 IPP workshop on Lovejoy Pond!

Don & Desi Fyler take a closer look at some native plants in Pocasset Lake.
This article was included in 30 Mile’s November 2024 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.