Earlier this month, the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund (MOHF) Board voted to approve our grant request to complete a regional assessment and inventory of high-risk roads and stream crossings in the 30 Mile River watershed.
Much of the road infrastructure in our rural Maine towns is not designed to withstand 4-5+ inch rain events and the worsening impacts of climate change, like more frequent and intense periods of rain, more frequent flooding, and changing groundwater levels. Completing a vulnerability assessment and developing an inventory of the most vulnerable road infrastructure is the first step that municipalities can take to better understand risks, prioritize work, and begin to address the problem.
This award and exciting new project was made possible through cash match contributions from 30 Mile and our municipal partners: Mount Vernon, Vienna, Fayette, Wayne, and Leeds. Thank You!
MOHF helps fund critical wildlife and conservation projects throughout Maine and was established by the Maine Legislature in 1996, in response to a grassroots effort led by Maine Audubon and the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine. MOHF’s revenue is generated exclusively by a dedicated instant lottery ticket distributed by the Maine State Lottery.

This article was included in 30 Mile’s May 2024 newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here.