Our intensive survey efforts have been ongoing all summer. Since the DEP removed invasive milfoil in Androscoggin Lake’s Inner Cove in late June, our survey team has found only a few additional plants, which were removed in late July or will be later this week. We have continued to survey the cove weekly, monitoring for any new growth. Surveying will continue into the fall.
In late July, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife ordered a temporary “Surface Use Restriction” in the cove, closing the area where the invasive plants have been found. This closure is intended to limit the spread of the plants while we are working on controlling the infestation.
Throughout the summer, 25 volunteers with the lake association’s (ALIC) “Eyes on the Water Team” have been surveying their designated sectors of the lake. All the near shore areas where aquatic plants are likely to grow have now been surveyed this season.
Thank you volunteers! Luckily, no suspicious plants were found in other areas of the lake.